
So Quickly

They grow up.

Your mom warns you. "Don't blink, it all goes so quickly," she says. "One day you're changing diapers, the next you're sending them off to college." And she shakes her head. She chuckles.

You think she is crazy.

It all goes so quickly? What a joke! What is quick about diapers and dishes and the ever present disaster in this house? Quickly. She's off her rocker.

You're convinced you'll have these moments forever. Relaxing together after Kindergarten, reading stories at bedtime, cheering at soccer games, hunched over homework.

These days are long. It's only the night that goes quickly. That last stolen glance into the bedroom; peaceful sleeping faces nestled against Star Wars bed covers. You yawn, mentally ticking off your list of to-do's before you too, can sleep.

But still, her words echo in your mind.

You close your eyes.

Middle school dances, pizza parties, last minute research papers; an uncomfortable itch starts to settle in your mind.

Was she right?

You blink.

There are high school schedules to figure out, which may as well be a corn maze attempted with a blindfold. You sit side by side deciphering the wide world of electives, thankful that they still want your help for something besides movie money.  Suddenly: Driver's Ed, dating, football games, first jobs, and then; an order form for a cap and gown?

It all goes so quickly, you think.

Why didn't anyone warn you? You need more time to prepare!

You chuckle. You shake your head.

And want, fiercely, to call your mom.


  1. Kellylou, that is the TRUTH! Talk about things that make you cry! I try to tell the young ones, the mothers with babies, not to blink. They smile and nod. I am so relieved that someone knows what I am talking about!

    1. We all think we know better than those older than us -- until it's too late! It's funny that we do that as kids AND adults. Why is it so difficult to believe what our mothers (or anyone that has more experience than us) want to share??

  2. I am the mom with two young ones (3 and 6) who knows that time is flying. I laughed off my mom too until my oldest started school....I was already willing to turn back time. Quick, figure out how to freeze time for me. Loved the pictures and the heartfelt message.

  3. It does go fast! But being a grandparent is pretty fun too!

  4. Yes. It goes quickly. Thanks for the reminder as we gear up for a busy three months of baseball season with a 7 year old and almost 4 year old. I want to cherish every moment.

  5. The pictures were such a telling part of your story. Great combination. And no on has found a way to put time in a bottle.

  6. Oh yeah - the blink is some time-speeding-up-machine in our house, too, as our three boys seems to be getting older, taller, smarter by the minute.

    1. It's bittersweet! I am amazed at the grown man my oldest son is becoming... but GEEZ, c'mon... I miss the cuddly gigglebot, too. :)

  7. Thanks for sharing as I try to treasure each moment with my 8, 5 and 3 year old.

  8. Stupid. My make up and I hate you and your story telling skillz...

  9. Your story tells it all! I keep reminding my daughter the same thing - it all goes by so quickly, enjoy every moment. But, they will always be your "babies". I'm glad that my "baby" has grown, because now I really get to enjoy my grandbabies!

    1. I'm looking forward to grandbabies -- just not quite yet! :D

  10. Simply put but oh so true. You make me cry, again. I love the way you write Ms. Kelly!

  11. Thanks for all the lovely words, guys! Writing is easy with such great readers. :)

  12. Great slice--and then they give you grandchildren and the cycle starts again! But with the grandkids, you savor the moments more....enjoy each and every moment

  13. Oh so, so true! Then it's off the college and they realize it's the place they want to live. . . one child on the east coast and the other on the west coast! But that's how we raise them right?!? To be independent and follow their dreams. . . and heck two wonderful places to visit!

  14. It does go by way too fast. I know it as a mom of a four year old, because I knew it as a daughter too. When did the time start moving so fast that I had to grow up? Just as I long for snuggle time with my little one still...I also long to be little again and snuggle my momma.

  15. Yep, we were having similar thoughts today. Great post and even better pics. Really liked the corn maze description of hs scheduling.

  16. It's hard to explain how fast time goes by. Likewise it is hard to believe. But know that it does, so enjoy every smidgen. I loved the way your writing progressed through time.

  17. Beautifully captured. One does not need to have children to be deeply touched by this piece. I laughed at the corn maze comparison.

  18. AMEN! What a beautiful slice. I find myself saying the same thing to friends and family who are just starting their families- "Take pictures - lots of them, and video. It goes by so fast!" You've captured exquisitely a universal experience for parents.

  19. Glad to know we're not the only parents who are amazed at how fast things seem to change with our kids. This is a very strong piece of writing--well done!

  20. Came over after I read your comment on Tony Keefer's blog. I have a senior graduating this year too. And like you, I cannot believe this phase of my life is drawing to a close. I adopted my son and his younger brother (only a year behind) when he was nine, but it seems like the time has just flown. And now he is graduating, and heading out the door and 800 miles down the road. And I am excited for him, but so, so, so sad for me. Can't even think about how much I will miss him.
