
Napping, Day 3

Today was a lazy day. While everyone played at the park, I stole a moment for myself to read, which ended in a cozy nap. So today's poem is about a nap, inspired by the rain poem in The Important Book.

Mentor text: The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown
The important thing about rain is
that it is wet.
It falls out of the sky,
and it sounds like rain,
and it makes things shiny,
and it does not taste like anything,
and is the color of air.

But the important thing about rain
is that it is wet.

My poem:
The important thing about a nap is
that it is quiet.
It creeps up like a mouse,
and sounds like a mother's lullaby,
and it holds you like a warm hug,
and tastes like sea-salt air under the sun,
and is colored with dreams, big and small.

But the important thing about a nap
is that it is quiet.

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