
So. I wish I could report some wacky-cool Fourth plans, but I really got nothin' to report. I'm actually thankful, though. The past month or so has been busy with many-a-thing, and with the end of the summer term being today, I'm happy to just sit back and relax this weekend. I'll be eating all-American foods tomorrow night, drinking smoothies on Saturday, and possibly visiting a bookstore at some point, also.

No crazy parties for this homespud.

I've been trying to decide if this crazy Face Breakout of '03 and my annoying mood swings are post-hysterectomy related or stress related, but haven't found much info to hep me out. My prayer is that it's stress because that is so much easier to fix. We shall see.

Oh. And I was thinking recently about the relationship resolutions I made way back in January and thought I should bring them back out and do a little checkup:

The Relationship Resolutions:
Learn to listen, and respond objectively or not at all
Remember to treat others as I would want to be treated
Stop thinking the worst in all situations
Search for positive things and praise people for them
Stop being defensive
Offer less criticism
Be open, honest, and trusting.
Remember that I'm worth loving and therefore, do not put up with neglect and/or emotional abuse
Learn to say no the first time I think it
Trust my instincts, they're very rarely wrong

Hrm. I have to say -- I'm doing pretty well. Still need to work on the trusting thing and that whole "not thinking the worst", but I can honestly say I'm much better at this now than I have ever been before -- and progress is progress, right?

So. For you list lover's (Seestah!), what's one relationship resolution you would add for yourself?

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