
Slice of Life: You Matter!

After taking a little no-blogging, no-tweeting break (a girl needs some time to herself after 2 months of back to back daily blogging!), I was beyond thrilled with what I found when I popped back out of my cave today.

Corey Dahl had tweeted a TED video of Angela Maiers that is absolutely inspirational. Don't believe me? Watch for yourself:

I've been following Angela since I found her "Habitudes" through the 2010 Reform Symposium (aka most amazing online professional development experience EVER). She is one of those speakers that just gives me chills because of the bold truth in her words. I hope you'll check out her site and follow her on twitter. I promise you'll be every bit as appreciative of her wisdom as I am.

You Matter.

Brilliant. And do you know even one single person that doesn't want to know that they matter? I certainly don't. In fact, I think most of us walk around wanting to matter to someone, in some way. (Wearing that sign, big or small.)

Maybe this feels especially meaningful right now because -- here we are again, the end of another school year -- stress is high, people are busy, frustration thresholds are low.

We need to know we matter. We need to know our genius is appreciated. And I am so thankful I popped back into the twitosphere today to hear Angela's words -- to remember the precious gift I can give each student, teacher, and parent I see, by simply letting them know I see them. By letting them know they matter. (And my family! They need to hear it, too. They need to know they matter.)

I find much hope in the thought of how significantly changed any workplace can be, when focused on finding the genius in one another instead of singling out the unappreciated differences and problems.

Focused on solutions, not problems.

Focused on what matters.

Focused on building each other up.

Focused on delighting in one another's genius.

It's a happy thought to finish this school year with.

So. What's your genius?


  1. Angela has done several PD's in my district in NE Iowa. She is fabulous and inspiring. The TED talk is just the beginning. Love it!

  2. Thankyou sooo much for posting this video! I had not seen it before and I lOVED it!
    You made a point in your reflection that stood out to me and I thank you for it- the fact that this doesn't just apply to our work and our kids at school- this applies to our family too. I am guilty of taking my amazing family for granted and not stopping to smell the roses that are my husband and daughter. This slice has certainly reminded me to get my priorities in order. What a fantastic thought provoking video and slice. Thanks. You really DO matter!
    Riss from the Lit Ladies

  3. Thanks for posting that. You reminded me that even at the end of the school year it is important to keep those encouragements coming. See, you matter! (and I read about your zip line experience, too. You described it so vividly. I went to Costs Rica a few years ago and spent the night on an active volcano. There is something about that place that makes the non-adventurous take risks, huh?

  4. We have a Student Development Theory for college students called Marginality and Mattering that is about how college student success is directly impacted by the degree to which they feel they do or do not matter. I've always thought it should be translated out to everyone. Glad to see someone is sharing that love :)
